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I have lost my phone. What do I do?

ļ»æ1. Call 133 to report it.

Weā€™ll instantly disable outgoing calls, SMS and any operation that might charge your account.

Incoming calls will work as normal.

ļ»æ2. Visit a local police station to declare the loss of your mobile phone so that you are issued the relevant certificate of loss.

In order to do that, youā€™ll need the IMEI codeā€“ International Mobile Equipment Identity. This is a unique 15-digit identification number which can be found on a label on the original packaging of the device.
3. Visit a Primetel shop with your certificate of loss and your identity card.  We will add your lost device on the ā€œBlack Listā€.

ļ»æWhen a device is registered in this list, it cannot work in the Primetel network or in any other Cypriot mobile network

At the Primetel shop, you can easily get a new SIM card, which will of course hold your previous phone number.

In case you find your device, youā€™ll need to declare it again to the police and be issued the relevant certificate. 
Then, youā€™ll have to bring it to a Primetel store so that we can remove your device from the ā€œBlack Listā€